Heart, Stroke, Cancer and You

I received a great feed from the Heart and Stroke Foundation today and thought I would post it here. Did you know that fat stored around your middle can put you at risk for high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, type-2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Almost 60% of Canadian adults are overweight or obese. Obese Canadians are four times as likely to have diabetes, more than 3 times as likely to have high blood pressure and more than two times more likely to have heart disease than those with a healthy weight!Being in a healthy weight range may help you prevent health problems such as high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, Type 2 diabetes. It may also lower your risk of heart disease and stroke.

Active living is one way of helping to lower your risk. Some tips from the Heart and Stroke Foundation include:

Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator

Schedule a stretch break during meetings.

Roll your shoulders and neck when sitting at your desk or computer

Wash and Wax your car by hand

Does your child spend more than an hour a day watching TV or playing video or computer games? Turn it around: For every hour they watch TV, have them play outside tobogganing or playing baseball for the same amount of time.

• Does your child get less than 60 minutes a day of physical activity? Turn it around: Sign your child up for classes – ballet or swimming – or join soccer or baseball teams.

For more tips check out their website: http://www.heartandstroke.com

Preventative action is paramount for taking care of your health – while doing that, remember to take care of your financial health as well! Protect your mortgage, your income and your family’s well being by applying for and carrying policies such as Critical Illness Insurance and Disability Insurance – 2 very important components of your financial portfolio.

Send me an email – info@insurancehelp.ca and I will answer your questions and help guide you along!

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